
Stuffer Cards Complete Set

Receive printed copies of the complete set of nine, 8 1/2" x 3 1/2", double-sided, Stuffer Card titles.

Titles include:

  • Attendance - reinforces how important attendance is to a child's success in school — learning builds day by day, and a child who misses a day of school, misses a day of learning!
  • Communicating Expectations - suggests way parents can set and, most importantly, communicate high expectations of children to build student achievement.
  • Self-Discipline - self-discipline can be learned and parents are in the best role to teach it. This card tells how.
  • Reading - shares with parents that a student who excels at reading will also do better in every other subject and gives them specific ideas they can use to help build reading skills.
  • Setting Goals - outlines ways parents can help their students learn how to set and achieve goals, and build up on each success.
  • Getting Along With Others - provides ideas parents can use to build the skills their children need to get along with others.
  • Responsibility - responsible students take charge of their own learning and behavior. Full of ideas to help parents teach students responsibility.
  • Good Study Habits - help parents lay the important foundation needed to build successful student habits in students.
  • The School-Family Team - reminds parents of their vital role in their student's education and encourages the best school and student support possible.




Stuffer Card Set Pricing

Available in sets of:

100 copies each = 900 Stuffer Cards total. $359.00

200 copies each = 1,800 Stuffer Cards total. $599.00

300 copies each = 2,700 Stuffer Cards total. $769.00

400 copies each = 3,600 Stuffer Cards total. $975.00

500 copies each = 4,500 Stuffer Cards total. $1,079.00

